Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Be Mine.

Who works on their favorite day of the year? I took the day off to volunteer in Ella's classroom and get a few things done.

The kids were adorable. The amount of pink sugar was unthinkable.
Mrs. Barnes-Miller had educational games, dance routines, and story time lined up for the kids.

On this day of love and kisses, Ella's cup runneth over.

I had written a love note to Derek on our bathroom mirror that morning and made the mistake of leaving the window crayon by the sink. We got home to find that Carson was expressing himself, too.

And finally, a trip to the dentist and to Target, where Ella rocked some silly fake glasses as her own version of Cupid, fighting for love around the world.

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Love that pose. You rock, Ella!