Thursday, February 2, 2012

Annual Valentine Wishes

Every January, I start thinking about what photo to put on our Valentine Card. Then I realize that reality is much more interesting than anything my imagination could cook up. So I walk around with my camera in hand, and I wait.

During this particular week, Carson had made a habit of trying on all my high heels and had started in on my necklaces. Soon his Dad began a focused effort to start wrestling with him on the floor more often.

What Derek failed to realize is this: he had BOTH kids working against him. Ella loves to play dress up, and has always begged for a little sister. I had recently reminded her that this would not be happening. She needs to make the best of what she's got. After all, she only has another year or two where Carson will truly be her victim!

And so he was.

You can see by the photos, taken one after the next, that he went through a range of emotions. While some of them reflect sheer joy at his sparkly pink-ness...

we settled on the shot that reflects his "help me!" expression, just to help him maintain a small shred of his dignity when we show it to his dates in High School.

1 comment:

Mimi said...

I swear he will say this was a form of child abuse!!!
P.S. Next year you need to picture him hurling that football!!