Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Carson: 8 months

Looking back on previous posts, I haven't written much about Carson.

My little man, I want you to remember what a sweet baby you were. When I hug you, you hug back with both arms and pat my back; I have never seen a baby do that. You mirror the expressions of others with an easy smile, and you reflect emotion back to me when I cry. You startle easily and aren't fond of sudden noises...but when music plays, or Ella sings, you smile and screech along with her. You hum when you breastfeed, and screech between bites of baby food because we can't get it to your mouth fast enough. You love think your sister is hilarious...and your favorite place to nap is on your Daddy's chest.
We are absolutely smitten.

Now let me remind you of your other side, little Mister. You have radar qualities that lead you to the one tiny speck of something-or-other on the entire carpeted floor. Wherever it is, you will find it, and it will enter your mouth. I wear the same few tees every night, my little Pukahontas, because they are all stained from your massive spitting up. When I get home, I have to hide from you until I have gone through my restroom-and-change-clothes routine, or you will SCREAM at the top of your lungs until I am holding you...then you will grin at me like I am a fool. I have not eaten a hot meal in silence since June 23, because you sit perched in your high chair and scream in my ear until I put you in my lap. Your Dad and I are a bit concerned that this behavior needs to stop before you're in high school, or you'll never get a second date. It's a good thing you're so darn cute.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes he is a sweet little love bug. He's the best of both his mom & dad!
Aunt Terri