May 12, 2000 - February 10, 2012

we may bury our parents
we might bury our spouse
but never, ever do we imagine
that we will bury a child
that fateful day, this family fell
weeping in each others arms
fists to the sky, screaming
no answers to make it right
Parker's life of eleven years
was big, brilliant, bright
a witty old soul, squeezed
into the clothes of a 6th grader
a truly gifted mind
so eager to teach us all
as if he secretly knew his time here
would be shorter than we'd like
my children, know this:
he was your cousin, your family
he was Stanley Parker Bernard
and for him we were blessed
Ella, you were charmed
marveling over his pretty eyes
and Carson, you followed him
in awe, just like Amblen did
God took him back
for a bigger job in heaven.
Let's give thanks to Him
for the loan we were granted
Let's share love and honor
to our 4 who are now 3
Let's cry out and talk it through
when it overwhelms us
Let's hold onto each other
with both arms, ever so tightly.

We love you, Park.
Rest in peace doesn't fit you; instead I will say, Godspeed!
A wonderful tribute!
Thank you, Mandie.
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