Friday, April 1, 2011

Party of five

What do you do when your 5 year old spends an entire day getting ready for her favorite babydoll's birthday?

As I see it, there are three methods of dealing with this situation:

1. smile and nod politely...then keep folding laundry
2. discuss the differences between reality and fantasy with daughter
3. throw caution to the wind and just celebrate.

Who cares if the birthday girl is made of plastic? The real treat was for Ella, who got to be the proud mommy for a night, as the kind (and slightly confused) staff of El Rancho Grande sang happy birthday to little baby McKenna.

Ella's expression was priceless as we finished dinner and Derek pulled a cupcake and candle out of his bag. I found random things from around the house and put them in gift bags with a card for McKenna (the doll) from Grandma and Grandpa (

Yes, winter is boring.

Ella was absolutely thrilled, but my favorite part of the night was spent watching Carson's plot unfold in the midst of all the sombreros and singing.

He was the smart one — he got the cupcake.

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