Monday, June 29, 2009

Carson's First Week Home

After a long stay at the hospital, we were finally released on Friday night. The comforts of home were calling. I was done being poked and prodded, and Derek's neck was evidence that a hospital guest recliner is no good place for a new Daddy to sleep. Ella was thrilled to bring "her new baby" into the house and start filling his tiny ears with motherly advice.

We are blessed to have such a great little guy...he rarely cries and loves a good snuggle. His only offense so far involves hitting each of us with impressive streams of pee during those 3am diaper changes.

Weeks ago, we noticed a mother wren dive-bombing us as we walked into the house. Turns out she had built a nest in the middle of the fern on our front porch. Day by day, she filled the nest with tiny eggs. We checked it frequently, wondering if her babies would be born by the time ours was. We got home from the hospital and Derek yelled the good news from our porch; she did it.The eggs hatched while we were gone.

I went out today to take this shot and saw their tiny open mouths, waiting for something from mama. I know the feeling well these days (and nights.) I looked up toward the trees—where I'm sure she was anxiously perched—and smiled.

Well done, my fellow mama. Well done.


Sherri L. Kennedy said...

Mandie and Derek, Congratulations on your precious blessing! I have to say I am a bit envious, I miss my boys being that little. What a difference a boy will be to the Sands' home. It is amazing how a new baby reminds us that every day we have here is a blessing. I can honestly say, no matter how stressful life my be, stepping back and looking at our beautiful children just makes everything ok. I can't wait to come see you all! Tons of Love! Sherri, Patrick, Jake, Nate and Sam

nklfrtz said...

Precious!! I love the pic of Ella & Carson snuggling - too sweet! Can't wait to get home and see you guys! I hope you're getting a little more sleep :) Love you :)

Clintonville Bill said...

Adorable and so glad to hear all is well in the Sands home! Enjoy this time.