Today is Sunday, June 14th and I can officially say that I am ready to have this baby. The last three months have brought us through a lot of activity and change; a layoff, a transition (for Derek) into becoming a full time college student again, an overhaul of our finances, preparing and holding a garage sale, the death of Derek's grandfather, the resurrection of all our baby gear, a bout with tonsilitis and the stomach flu, and finally, the birthday of our sweet girl.
Today is the day that all of it has passed; the nursery is ready. Ella's room is complete. We had a great party so Ella was not "shorted" by the impending arrival of her brother. We were treated to a very generous baby shower at Mead. And Derek finished his first quarter of Medical Math, Chemistry and Psychology with a B+/A- average. And lastly, I am carrying a very large karate master that reminds me of his healthy, beautiful presence quite regularly. I have gone through 23 sessions of physical therapy and a few crying jags, but otherwise, we have survived it all and are a little stronger for having been through it.
So the mantra now?
Let's do this!!!
...stay tuned. :)
Holy cow!!!!! How do you do it? I just can not even begin to imagine! And you're making it look easy! :) I love you so much - praying every day for healthy baby and momma!
Ditto to what Andrea said! You ARE making it look soo-o-o easy this time! I just praise the Lord for that! (He's so good!) Can't wait to see the little boy who's wrapped up in that beautiful package! We love you, Mandie!
Lynda and Marv
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