Sunday, January 30, 2011

Holiday Break

I always take the week off between Christmas and the New Year, and make a very ambitious list of all the things that I need to get done (prep tax documents! clean out all the closets! detail the inside of our fridge! clean out toys and take to Goodwill!) but somehow never manage to accomplish, what with all the post-festivity festivities.

Note to self: next year, the list should look like this:

- Hang out with the family that's in town
- See Liz, Kelsey and people that are only home NOW
- Play with kiddos
- Sleep in and wear pajamas all day
- Be with Mom/Stan, Dad/Patti before they fly south for the winter
- Close the laundry room door and pretend it's not there
- Start that business of picking up people's dried out Christmas trees for $10 each...then mulching them and selling the mulch. Better than silly bands or the snuggie. Double profit AND recycling!

Ok, ok...that goes on the first list.
One day, I will learn to live in the moment. Really.

Ella made this after my turn with the stomach least we all got it one at a time.
Poor Derek got it on Christmas Day.

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