Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Blender

Ella and Carson, this blog is for you. However, this entry may serve to educate you on three simple truths about being a grownup:

A. Even when we appear that we know what we're doing, we are usually just winging it.
B. Sometimes it's not all about you, because SO much is going on, that it seems God has changed the blender speed of our family antics from "blend" to "beat."
C. When you have kids, and this kind of thing happens, it's ok. Just keep loving them, nodding and smiling, and doing the best you can. Don't let them smell your fear!

Here's what happened:
1. At work, our Management team re-organized the roles and reporting structure of 54 people at two sites. My job, and all my direct reports but one, would change dramatically.
2. Five days later, my boss - the Creative Director - resigned.

3. The same day, Derek's unemployment benefits ended.
[insert Christmas]
4. That week, our whole family—over a dozen people—got a rather violent strain of the stomach flu.
5. Two weeks after that, I dropped and broke my iPhone (read=lifeline) while out of town on business.
6. The same day, Carson had a small accident at home, and Derek rushed him to the ER for 22 stitches in his face.
7. The same day, my Corporate American Express was suspended for no apparent reason while I was on that business trip, leaving me with no way to pay for my hotel or airport parking.

8. That night, I arrived back at Dayton Airport to a car that had been buried by 2 feet of snow and ice. With no scraper. Wearing only jeans, a fleece and ballet flats. And a heart that was breaking over my crying son at home.
9. One week later, in the midst of a jumping-on-the-bed hilarity, Ella landed the wrong way and broke my nose.

It should be noted that I am a fairly positive person who usually errs on the side of laughing instead of crying, but this comedy of errors has resulted in a few tears. I got a new phone, we have savings to tap into, the flu moved through, the ice melted, and Carson is fine. My nose is not, but we'll deal with that next.

If bad luck runs in threes, I think we're done for the year.

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