Thursday, October 21, 2010

NYC to celebrate a PhD

Ella, I know how desperately you'd like to go to New York, but kiddo - we'll do that when you're just a bit older. For now, it was time to celebrate Cindy's graduation.

Her wish? To hit the Big Apple. And boy, did we. Our long weekend was filled with great restaurants and broadway shows, subways and taxis and the hustle of Times Square. We got makeovers, bought purses in Chinatown, found some ethnic cuisine, and watched people dance and play The Beatles' music in Central Park in celebration of John Lennon's birthday. It was spectacular. I was SO happy to help Cindy celebrate such an incredible accomplishment!

But the thing I want my two babes to realize is this: we are some of the most fortunate people in the world! We spent a whole morning at the Ellis Island museum, hearing about the thousands of poverty-stricken immigrants who made the journey from Italy, Ireland and Germany in hope of a better future. Women and children rode in the hulls of giant ships for weeks to get here. They arrived sick and scared, not knowing a word of English. The whole display was touching and fascinating.

The steps below were those which the immigrants took once they were fully checked and given entry into the country. They called these the "kissing steps" because it's where so many men, who had made the journey ahead of time, waited to see their families after months apart. Can you imagine?

The next time you complain about dinner or ask, "are we there yet?" just think: this life we's what millions of people struggled to find.

This was the goal. Let's cherish every minute.

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