Saturday, May 5, 2012

It Takes a Village

We often take for granted that which is closest to us.
I makes absolutely no sense to hand out all your energy to the strangers and acquaintances in your life, but I suppose it's human get comfortable with the people closest to your heart, and you assume they'll always be there.

In the case of your Mimi, your Grandma, and your Grandpa, they really HAVE always been here while Daddy and I were away at work. They've been here week after week, helping to feed you breakfast or pick you up from daycare, change your diapers and read you books, run to your soccer games and drive you to church. While all that seems rather hectic, there have been many an afternoon where they were at our house, simply holding you in the recliner or coloring yet another Disney Princess coloring book page.

Both of you are incredible little artists, largely due to your Grandma. Ella, your teachers have noted your exceptional skill in writing, which comes from your Mimi. And Carson, there is no doubt that your Grandpa will have you throwing a lightning-fast pitch before you're 10.

This kind of love and attention has helped form who you are. As parents, we are grateful for any help we can get, but what we don't bank on is that our kids are learning their value system from the people who are co-parenting with us.

That daycare provider, or first grade teacher, or family member who is so intimately involved? They act as maple trees, the little helicopter seedlings of their character landing softly and sprouting in the hearts and minds of our children. What a TRUE BLESSING  to know that your maple trees are those that raised your own parents with the same care and guidance.

So, my sweets: what you're learning from your Grandparents is faith, devotion and creative expression. How do I know you're picking it up? Because I see it on display as you giggle and clap at the library and the theater...

And as you proudly stand on stage and sing about God, faith and love.

I'm proud of you, Ella, and I'll be proud of Carson when he gets old enough to join you. My childhood is filled with memories just like these, and that set the moral guard rails for how I live my life and how I express myself.

That doesn't mean I am perfect, or that you have to be...but that little voice inside all of us that lets us know when something doesn't feel right? Well, that's God. All you have to do is listen.

Creative expression? Just keep writing, keep dancing, keep drawing, keep singing and keep loving. If it's from your heart, it will reach someone and open their heart, too.

And you are closer to all this understanding because of your grandparents' influence. Let's love them fiercely and never, ever take that for granted! 


heidi7jesus said...

My grandparents bestowed great wisdom on me too! You are super blessed, E and C. These memories will carry you to excessive laughter and deep sorrow.

Mimi said...

It is such a joy to help them and watch them grow. I remember how precious my Grandma Spencer was to me! I just love those little chickens.