Friday, December 30, 2011


"Mommy, how old were you the first time you ________?"

This question, no matter what fills the blank, always results in the same answer from me:

However, once she saw a frightening senior picture of me in my Valley View cheerleading uniform, all decked out with mall bangs and giant sparkly earrings, she began to put the pieces together: clearly I had gotten my ears pierced as a kid.

She begged. She reasoned. She put sparkly stickers on her ears for months, pretending that they were the real thing.

So off to the mall we went—bound for the Piercing Pagoda—prepared to hear her pain-stricken wails and dramatic floor-flops.

But nothing. She was so brave, she never even flinched. And I must say that a sigh of relief crossed my lips when she picked out the pearls.

Hopefully she'll wait until she's 28 for everything else.

1 comment:

Mimi said...

I sent her two pair from Naples and the last time I was home, I told her I would send her another pair and she whispered to me, "Would you please send some long, sparkly, dangley ones?" I must remember to check out Tiffanys!