Thursday, November 24, 2011


This year, I am thankful for...

1. FIRST and MOST IMPORTANTLY: The health and well-being of my sweet family. I am truly blessed, and I recognize those blessings every single day.

2. That we are nurturing tiny creative people who care as much about others as they do about themselves.

3. That these babes are surrounded by family who wholly love and support them

4. That my hilarious 71-year-old mother greeted all of us on Thanksgiving Day in a turkey costume, complete with a colorful tail and giant yellow feet.

5. That the stunning dinner table at the Sands house put me in direct line of sight to a special wall in their Great Room. On this wall hangs a nearly life-sized portrait of my gorgeous hubby as a HS Senior, rocking the gold chain and an "I'm too hot for this" smirk. I spent the entire meal quietly making up new "ladies man" lines and wishing I could have known him back in the 90's, although I'm sure we would have fought about things like hairspray.

Yes indeed, life is good.
And God, you have given me everything I have ever hoped for; sometimes that meant the things I didn't even know I needed.

Thank you for that...and for everything else you've got planned for me, and mine.

1 comment:

Mimi said...

I'm very glad that you appreciate what you have and that you're thankful. So many people don't stop and think about what they have. They are so busy thinking about what they want. And I'm glad you realize that new, wonderful things are ahead. They'll see.
Love, Mom