Saturday, November 12, 2011

California Girls

Just when I feel like I'm in a rut at work, I am whisked away on a plane to do some work in a lovely location like Los Angeles.

Add to that two of my very favorite colleagues (= consequently, good friends) and there you have a nice break for three gals with very tiny children and insane schedules.

I got to my hotel and opened my bag to find 6 things: the first was my usual slip from TSA stating that they searched my luggage. This happens every time I fly. Perhaps it's they assume that most drug smugglers carry a feminine, bright purple suitcase like mine. (?!)

The remaining objects in the stack were little handmade notes and drawings, labeled by the day of the week. Ella made them...with the philosophy that if my love notes in her lunchbox cheer her up every day, then she should do the same for me.

Of course I missed my routine and my family—but I can safely say that the culture, the sun, and the art of the West Coast offered just the break that I needed.

Three highlights:
the most amazing sunset I have ever witnessed
a yin yoga class that was so good it brought tears to my eyes
and the Santa Monica Farmers market, held on a sunny 72-degree day in November.

Hear that?

It's me, exhaling.

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