Saturday, December 17, 2011

Little Mister

Something happend a couple of weeks ago.
Carson started sitting in a chair for longer than 30 seconds. Eating entire meals at one sitting without launching food at us. Going entire days without crying or throwing himself on the floor. Getting in his carseat without arching his back. Oh, the list goes on.

His personality is still hilarious, but the bad behaviors? Well, he's more...chill.

This makes me a little nervous. It happened overnight!
It's like some guardian angel looked down and said "yep, this one has driven his parents certifiably crazy. The trial is over...let's go ahead and show some mercy. Flip the switch."

I got these great shots of him, just hanging out. There's no theme or a big story. It's just Carson, becoming less of a tantrum-throwing toddler and more of a silly, sweet little boy...right before our eyes.

At least for now.


nklfrtz said...

Such a cute little man! I LOVE the last pic of the 2 of them...such sweet moments.

Terri said...

Beautiful eyes, beautiful face & sweet, sweet boy!

Mimi said...

Pardon me while I brag. Carson has always been good for me...but they are always better for grandparents than they are Mom and Dad. LOVE HIM!!!!!