Sunday, December 11, 2011

The 1st Grade Choir Concert

I would be proud at any event where Ella performed. And her singing voice is remarkably pretty. However, the thing that made me the most proud of her was this:
Each of the 1st grade teachers chose the two children in their class whom they believed could stand up in front of an audience of a hundred or so camera-weilding parents and read aloud, clearly and quickly.

Ella was chosen. She read a paragraph aloud from a small piece of paper with exactly the words that the teacher had typed out for her, while projecting into the microphone so the whole gymnasium could hear. We looked more closely to find that her paper wasn't shaking.

She's been reading to us at progressively better levels for the past year or so, but this seemed different. Ella can read, and read well...with confidence, and clarity, and inflection. I am so happy that she now has this skill—one that's so tricky to learn—which will inform her for life, unlocking truth and knowledge, adventure and discovery.

Go Ellabug!

1 comment:

Mimi said...

I just loved the song she had no words, just sounds they made. Soooo creative.