Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Lion Sleeps Tonight

Ella is on Fall Break - which means a blissful week of no school. Derek has no classes this week, either...so I took the week off of work and we are all home, filling our days with fun stuff in my favorite month of the year. I'll post more on that later, but something happened last night that is worthy of a post all its own.

Our entire family slept through the night.

In fact, we all slept so well that I opened my eyes this morning to find this image...

and jumped out of bed, convinced that they were either (a) kidnapped in the night by that creepy guy who works at Speedway, (b) catching up on all the sleep they—we—lost in the last month, or (c) painting the inside of our home in chocolate sauce and whipped cream.

Indeed, it was B. We found them snoozing away like little kittens, all cozy in their beds. I had an Ally McBeal moment and envisioned the dark clouds parting...God's light shining through, and flying cherubs with gilded trumpets, playing "Allelujah."

We are all in much better moods.

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