Monday, December 21, 2009

Belly Laughs

Carson is almost six months old now...and he runs our household. When he laughs, so do all of us. It's absolutely contagious.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Hey Mandi :)
It's Amanda Rust :) I've been reading your blog on and off for about a year now?.. and I finally am commenting! I guess I am one of those "lurkers" that you never know is reading your blog.. haha...
But when I saw the pic of Ella with her stitches...bless her heart!...she still was wearing him little Awana vest!.. and that was so cute to me! lol.. poor girl busts her head open.. and she kept on her little vest.. :( lol... I wasn't there that night... cause I had just had the baby.. but Andrea told me about when I just now saw the pic.. it totally put it all into perspective for me.. poor girl!! Is it all healed up now?... She is an absolute sweetie! I love her!.. and Carson is adorable.. his laugh IS contagious!... Aren't little boys the sweetest? Of course that's all I'd know anyways :) I have a blog too if you wanna see my little guys too.. Hope you guys all have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!.. I heard Derek cut his hair!..Wow! It's been long for a long time!... Keep up the cute posts! You have a beautiful family! and you are blessed :)