We took these two or three weeks ago and now I am laughing at how much bigger I've grown since then. I feel like I have doubled in size...so we'll take some new ones this weekend, at the 33 week mark.
In order to get ready for this new little man under the circumstances of Derek's layoff, we have completely overhauled the spare bedroom and turned it into a butterfly-princess-fairy palace for Queen Ella, rented a booth at a local Mom's sale to purge all the pink baby clothes, cleaned out every closet, nook and cranny and held a garage sale with the findings, and taken in bags of boy clothes from very sweet and generous friends. However there is one thing missing:
We need a name.
While my creative cohorts at work are lobbying for oh-so-clever names like "Desert" and "Serif" Sands, I think Derek and I will come up with something on our own. Either that, or Ella's choice will reign and we'll just name him Cupid after all.
How 'bout Briznlad Sands? Is Merlin taken? Maybe T-Bone Sands?
Aaaww you look fantastic Mandie!
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