Thursday, June 5, 2008

Winter turns to spring

So what has miss Ella been up to, you ask? Well, I admit it's rude to use your kids as an excuse for your own procrastination. However, if you examine the fact that I have not done a post in three months...well, that sums up the crazy state of affairs at our house. No complaints though. We have been busy mixing a healthy dose of work and fun, and loving every minute of it. 

Ella learns to paint pottery...she insisted on one dab of every single color on the palette. My kinda gal. 
Then came easter, and mom passed down my very favorite thing from Grandma Erma's annual Easter table. No, not a casserole recipe. It's the glitter-laden hooker bunny, with bootie popped out and the fabulous false eyelashes. She's so fierce! 

Our Saturday morning routine: giggles in bed, followed by a cereal picnic on the living room floor. I spent 32 years of my life waking up at noon on Saturdays. Now, the best part of my weekend happens in those early hours when it's just us. 

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