Monday, June 30, 2008

Andrea & Chris's Wedding - June 28 08

After 11 years of dating, Chris and Andrea finally joined hands in marriage on Saturday. Ella made a lovely flower girl, I did a reading, and Derek sang. 

The day of the wedding we were all a little nervous...but the entire thing was just perfect. Ella made it down the aisle with no problems and behaved herself on stage for a full half-hour ceremony. At one point on stage she decided to do a couple of token pirouettes, but can you blame her? You're're in a pretty dress...what seems more appropriate? 

Post-ceremony: hour #7 in the gown. 

Mr and Mrs Boy exit the church! 

Andrea was an absolutely beautiful bride! Congrats to the happy couple :) 

Miscellaneous June stuff

I was standing on the deck the other day and looked up at the sun shining through our trees. There are times when I'm frustrated with this canopy, wishing we could grow a garden or see the sunrise. Then I remember...that thick trees make good neighbors, the light is always filtered just right for photos, and that there is no sweeter symphony than the million leaves above us, applauding in the breeze.

The Kline Camp Trip 08

We had a few setbacks on Friday night, but all in all the trip was a lot of fun. Ella has a new playmate at Kline functions - Craig's girlfriend Kelli has a daughter (Nora) that's almost 3. If Ella is sharing her raft with someone besides Amblen, you know they've made fast friends. 
All the cousins found great joy in watching Aunt Francis' face as Mindy brought in 15 LaRosa's pizzas for Saturday night dinner (yes, Klines CAN be spontaneous!)

Dad's homemade ice cream and Patti's texas sheetcake. Deliciously Sinful!!! 

Ella Turns THREE!

For Ella's birthday, we ventured into a land that knows no batteries: the family all went together on some great outdoor play equipment. She was absolutely speechless! 

June 13: A morning visit from both Mimi and Poppa Gary, lunch with Aunt Heidi, Fun times at the bounce-a-rama with Emily and Anne, brownie adventures with me, then finally dinner with Grandma, Grandpa, Chris, and Andrea. Sometimes I wonder if she'll remember days like this one. It was a day truly meant for a princess. (yep, that's lip gloss in her hand.) 

Thursday, June 5, 2008


We took Ella out to a park that features a full array of farm animals, including the new spring babies. She loved chasing the baby chicks and petting the angora bunnies. We headed for Dairy Queen afterward and Ella practiced her favorite new facial expression to make in all photos. Nice. 

We've spent almost every weekend in April and May with Rick, Pam & Zoe, helping them get ready for baby #2. Willa Grace was born healthy, happy and perfectly adorable, so we decided to take Zoe to the park for the day. The image at the bottom is a painting/collage I made for Willa's room. 

The surprise was on US...

We got an invitation to Liz's surprise 30th birthday party. Brad had set the whole thing up and none of us could wait to attend the "cocktail party" at the Springfield Marriott and surprise her. She arrived and we all positioned ourselves to jump up and yell "surprise." The double doors to the ballroom opened and there she stood, in the most beautiful wedding gown. Brad took her arm, then they announced that there was a surprise indeed...the two of them were about to be married right there in front of us. Incredible!!! 


I had some vacation days to burn and thought it might be fun to grab Ella and Heidi and get the heck outta dodge. We got a great hotel room in Indianapolis and spent the weekend touring chocolate factories, shopping, playing in the pool, and going to the Indianapolis Childrens Museum. 

Winter turns to spring

So what has miss Ella been up to, you ask? Well, I admit it's rude to use your kids as an excuse for your own procrastination. However, if you examine the fact that I have not done a post in three months...well, that sums up the crazy state of affairs at our house. No complaints though. We have been busy mixing a healthy dose of work and fun, and loving every minute of it. 

Ella learns to paint pottery...she insisted on one dab of every single color on the palette. My kinda gal. 
Then came easter, and mom passed down my very favorite thing from Grandma Erma's annual Easter table. No, not a casserole recipe. It's the glitter-laden hooker bunny, with bootie popped out and the fabulous false eyelashes. She's so fierce! 

Our Saturday morning routine: giggles in bed, followed by a cereal picnic on the living room floor. I spent 32 years of my life waking up at noon on Saturdays. Now, the best part of my weekend happens in those early hours when it's just us.