Friday, December 21, 2007

What Could Be Under That Tree?

Tis the season...for parties and parades!

Mimi, Derek and I took Ella down to the Christmas parade in was freezing cold but Ella had a blast on the Merry-Go-Round and watching the parade. Pretty impressive for our little Burg, I thought.

And here are some shots from various holiday gatherings through November and December...

Emily and Will had us over for dinner. Of course Ella found her fave feline, Broccoli.

I couldn't resist posting this pic of adorably-pregnant Pammo, and Rick in his fabulous comedy-driven ensemble, borrowed straight from Cousin Eddie's RV (yes, that's a dickey.)

Ella getting ready for church...just like my tiny perfect doll, except for the blue markers she stuck up her nose later that evening.

We got a visit from Heidi and Suzanne - Suz was here from California and had never met Ella. Ella immediately went into "let me show you!!" mode and pointed out almost every book, toy, and ornament on our tree.

This has nothing to do with Ella or the holidays, but it was such a striking shot, I had to share. I was on my way home from work and shot it from a stoplight on Yankee Road.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Trick or Treat!

Going out and about in costume was really no novel thing, since Ella had been wearing her tiger suit during most family dinners and all errands/outings for at least a month. The difference this time was the loot. After house #2, she caught on to this gig and was positively giddy with excitement over the whole process.

Poppa & Granny were first on the list...then Papa Stan, then to some other houses and on to the fall kids costume festival at church.

October 2007

October has been a quiet month for us - Ella's usual routine includes a morning at Inspire Center, an afternoon playing with Mimi or Grandma, and an evening at home having dinner, playing with us, and reading books. And let us not forget the daily visit to the two most important sites on the web: youtube, where Ella laughs hysterically at all the Oobie vids, and of course her cousin Amblen's blog. (I have to keep cleaning my laptop screen from all the kissing as she engages in serious, loving discussion with Amblen about how he needs to to come home from Sweden "leally, leally, thoon".)

These pics are just random...the photo below shows Andrea and Chris in the playful attack they call an "Ella sandwich!!!!" Contagious belly laughs ensue, every single time. This is a kid who loves affection. But then, who doesn't?

Saturday, September 29, 2007

A voyage to the shore (Sept 2007)

Derek's Mom & Dad, sister Andrea and her fiancee Chris, and the three of us rented a great condo in Gulf Shores, Alabama. It was Ella's first time seeing the ocean, and a truly amazing week.

Our condo had a pool that was zero entry, and only went to about 3 feet. We all had fun playing alligator with her and hanging out in the sun.

Of course we found playgrounds and fun places to eat. Ella loves music and found a windchime display at one of the gift shops we visited. She told me, "I can heah da music fwom all awound, mommy!!"

Some of the best moments were just hanging out with no schedule or agenda. In the last shot, Ella is tossing all her collected seashells back to the beach with Grandpa "so they can be with their mommies." We are already saving up for a chance to go back.


One last shot

Derek, Ella and I were headed to the beach. Cindy, Ben, and Amblen were preparing for a departure to Sweden to live for a year. I found out that Dad and Patti had Amblen here in Dayton one last time, so I took Ella over there for a few minutes before we left for the vacation. The two of them hugged, shared toys, and had a blast together. I just kept taking pictures of Amblen and crying :)

August 2007

Ella proudly receiving her end-of-season goody bag from her swim instructor...

Happy Birthday, Aunt Andrea!

Ella's wedding debut

We trekked up to Coshocton to attend and take part in Monica Blanford's wedding. It's so hard to believe that I knew her when she was 9...and now my daughter is spreading petals at her wedding. Monica and Jordan made a beautiful couple, and Ella made it down the aisle with no problem at all.

July 2007

It's been a good summer...Ella spent weekdays with Mimi, Grandma, The Inspire Center. We spent most of our weekends having cereal picnics, going to swim lessons, working on the house, and a lot of Mommy/Ella trips to the "slicky slide." Ella loved going to the pool and had a great time there with Abby & Troy Coulter (shown here).

She spent a saturday morning prancing around in a skirt and her new light-up Cinderella dress up heels. Just as I approached her to coax her down from the couch, I was struck by how she's not a baby anymore. And what a lovely little lady she's becoming.

Monday, September 17, 2007

turning two (June, 2007)

Ingredients for a total state of toddler nirvana:

- a purple fairy dress
- a new tent and sandbox
- an ice cream cake
- dancing with her best friend Amblen.

Happy Birthday Ella!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007