Sunday, September 27, 2009

The New Normal

We're all doing our best to get used to life on the Merry-Go-Round. Ella is back at Montessori, Derek's classes have begun, and I have been back at work for three weeks, where I've cashed in all my "I dunno, that must have happened while I was out" chips. Now I'm in the thick of it. Balance is not something that comes easily to me; I spend a great deal of time, especially now, doing one thing and thinking of another in a feeble attempt to cover all my bases. Derek and I ask each other daily: before we had kids, what did we do all day? It's crazy, and hectic, but filled with belly laughs and fairy dust. I wouldn't trade a thing.

Carson has had an insatiable appetite, and now we know why; three weeks ago, he weighed 12.5 pounds and now—SIXTEEN! He is a tiny cherub with a contagious giggle that I'll try to post as soon as I can catch it on video.

Ella has had a little anxiety about being knocked down the totem pole. It has manifested itself in her adoption of two alter egos; the first is Baby Kelly, who crawls around, climbs on the boppy pillow and wants to sleep in Mommy's bed. We had some family visit last weekend and they brought her a pair of pink footie pajamas, which threw Ella into a total state of nirvana. She has not taken them off since. The grocery, the pharmacy, where ever. We make her wear normal clothes for school, but otherwise I maintain that a kid has only a few years where silly reigns. She could add a feather boa and a collander as a hat, and that would be fine with me.

The second of her new personas is the one who practices independence. She stands at the door with her backpack, staring through the glass with a dreamy look in her eye, plotting an elaborate trip to New York to see The Lion King on Broadway. She sings all the songs and talks to us about showtimes. Her newest trick is to capture the perfect vibrato by pounding her chest at the end of every long note. We do our best not to laugh, since this aspiration is a very serious matter. Maybe someday we'll be giving her a standing ovation.