Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Trick or Treat!

Going out and about in costume was really no novel thing, since Ella had been wearing her tiger suit during most family dinners and all errands/outings for at least a month. The difference this time was the loot. After house #2, she caught on to this gig and was positively giddy with excitement over the whole process.

Poppa & Granny were first on the list...then Papa Stan, then to some other houses and on to the fall kids costume festival at church.

October 2007

October has been a quiet month for us - Ella's usual routine includes a morning at Inspire Center, an afternoon playing with Mimi or Grandma, and an evening at home having dinner, playing with us, and reading books. And let us not forget the daily visit to the two most important sites on the web: youtube, where Ella laughs hysterically at all the Oobie vids, and of course her cousin Amblen's blog. (I have to keep cleaning my laptop screen from all the kissing as she engages in serious, loving discussion with Amblen about how he needs to to come home from Sweden "leally, leally, thoon".)

These pics are just random...the photo below shows Andrea and Chris in the playful attack they call an "Ella sandwich!!!!" Contagious belly laughs ensue, every single time. This is a kid who loves affection. But then, who doesn't?